Welcome to Criticism

Welcome to our intellectual virtual place, where we should share our knowledge with the most important theorists ever lived.
Here, we can find a new way of thinking and respect the others opinion especially who disagree of it.
We will meet the newest theory with others from the past and I hope we'll find out many differents points of view. ENJOY IT

quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2012

6 comentários:

  1. is simple, using just the opening sentence: "we can do it", I note that the woman of today is increasingly independent but do not say that is totally independent of man because I believe that this would not be possible in some situations but since have been fighting so much, so we have been conquered women also is no longer so dependent on man. the woman is a thinking being, have their own choices, their own will, and consequently has its duties, but must not exceed the vision of the average age at which the woman had to be submissive to men. today is equal rights, period. so basically it is we women have achieved many rights and we are increasingly powerful and independent.

  2. The women each time win more space in the world,they already can almost all,the feminists are powerful and fight by that what they really believe.

  3. We can do today so much thing that weren't allowed some years ago, we can vote today, the women is more present in the market work etc. But we are seen as a fragile stereotype for some people, subordinate, and this theory lives nowadays we can not say " we have power" if some people thing that we aren't nothing and treat us as an inferior beings.

  4. women are conquering, step by step, more room and voice to express themselves and to live their lives as they wish to live. Of course there are still a lot for them to conquer, because patriarchal society is still strong, but soon enough, women will no longer be abased to to men. .

  5. Well, the literature of feminist criticism aims to understand the nature of gender inequality. It examines women's social roles, experience, and feminist politics in a variety of fields. Much of feminist theory also focuses on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of women's rights, interests, and issues.
    Therefore, with all these critical literature, women can now work outside and even to vote.

  6. Feminism is the maximum change in the lives of women, is our cry of freedom, we had the opportunity to show the value we have is how much we are capable, feminist criticism has made all the women could see with other eyes.
